Hi Pkteers!
On October 25, 2023, the PKT Community held its bi-monthly Discord roundtable discussion, where Pkteers shared the latest news and updates about the project. Read along to get all the updates.
Tracking the roadmap
Founding community member Josh Berger led off by highlighting the importance of the community roundtables, not only as a space to share updates but also to evaluate progress. Josh introduced his approach of breaking goals into smaller pieces. This way the PKT community can see the project as a continuous process being built step-by-step.
Updates on cjdns
Early community member and founder of the cjdns mesh networking protocol, Caleb James DeLisle, shared updates on cjdns. Caleb is currently improving cjdns to operate with multiple threads, as opposed to its current single-threaded operation. This change will enable cjdns to handle more bandwidth.
Previously, the majority focus of the PKT project has been mining and building infrastructure for the PKT Network. Now, a big focus shift is being directed towards cjdns, since it’s the data backbone of the PKT Network. While running PacketCrypt for mining supports the consensus and security of the PKT blockchain, running a cjdns node helps expand the actual data infrastructure of the PKT Network. Additionally, now anyone can build websites in the PKT Network. This is notable because websites built using cjdns enjoy the censorship resistance benefits of the network. Also by building websites, this expands utility and real world uses cases for the PKT ecosystem.
Updates on Lightning Network project
Caleb has continued his work on the PKT Lightning Network project. The final details of the PKT Lightning Daemon (PLD) code are currently being refined to facilitate money transfers. It’s important to remember that Lightning technology will streamline the invoicing and payment process to just one click! PKT Lightning Network is the layer-2 solution for PKT, which will offer near-instant settlement and near-infinite transactions per second.
The next major update coming to PKT Lightning Network is the ability to make PKT payments directly to a website’s IPv6 web URL. These payments will settle into the recipient’s PKT wallet with near-zero cost. This is a major advancement because website operators will be able to process online payments without requiring a third party payment processor. All payments will be processed through PKT Lightning Network for near-instant settlement and scalability.
Updates on the Network Steward
Significant progress has been made on the voting system for the Network Steward. At this point, development of the computation system for balancing addresses is complete. A limit on the number of addresses that can vote will be implemented later. Work is also ongoing for a vote computation system involving delegated votes, as well as a system that will automatically scan and tabulate votes on a weekly basis. Upon launch, this new system will enable PKT holders to vote for the Network Steward by proof-of-stake. The system will allow delegated voting, so a voter can vote for an individual, and whoever the individual votes for will delegate the votes. It is estimated the new system will go live by soft fork in Q1 2024.
Roadmap milestones
Early community member Jesse Berger took the floor to discuss intriguing the concept of time into the roadmap, which he believes the community should start considering. Jesse emphasized the importance of the PKT community’s ongoing advancement of the roadmap and implementation of a chronological aspect. He suggested that the community set timelines for themselves to ensure progress is consistent and not irregular.
Visions for the future
In the final section, Caleb shared his vision and goals for what a decentralized ecosystem would look like. Caleb envisions an interconnected world where communities share wifi, making internet access available to everyone. He also sees bandwidth playing a pivotal role as a source of passive income.
Caleb expressed his desire to integrate VPNs and reverse VPNs into cjdns, allowing users to access websites peer-to-peer in the PKT Network via cjdns, as well as ensuring people reach PKT Network websites from traditional web browsers.
This is the overview for the PKT Roundtable. You are encouraged to listen to the full meeting audio, which is available on PKT Cash’s X account (formerly Twitter).
Remember, our PKT roundtables are a space for Pkteers to share the latest updates with the PKT community. These roundtables are held on the PKT Discord channel every other week, and everyone’s invited! Thanks for reading, and we look forward to seeing you at the next one.
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In the world today, the internet still uses many of the protocols from when it was first developed in the 1970s and ‘80s. As more people and devices are connected…
An introduction to PKT Network as a high speed, end-to-end encrypted internet built by the people for the people.